
A Guide to Minimizing Signs of Aging

Nov 11, 2014
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Just as your fashion sense changes throughout life, so should your skincare routine. There are some general guidelines when caring for your skin at every age to minimize signs of aging.

A Guide to Minimizing Signs of Aging

A Guide to Minimizing Signs of Aging

Just as your fashion sense changes throughout life, so should your skincare routine. There are some general guidelines when caring for your skin at every age to minimize signs of aging.


This is the perfect time to develop a good skincare routine to focus on preventing future damage and delay signs of aging. The primary control is limiting sun exposure. Damage from UV rays accelerates aging. Developing a sun protection routine early will gain you complexion points later. Wear sunscreen every day and begin using topical antioxidants.


You may notice a change in skin texture and tone as your epidermis begins to dry and thicken. Collagen loss and repetitive facial expressions result in the beginnings of fine lines. As you near your 40’s, age spots may become noticeable. To combat these early signs of aging, introduce collagen-boosting peptides, brightening agents, and moisturizers with vitamin C to your routine.


Your skin is noticeably drier and collagen continues to break down, resulting in lost resiliency. As your skin thins and hormonal levels fluctuate, your skin may become more sensitive. Switching to a mild cleanser may ease irritation. Gentle exfoliators will help your skin regenerate. Water-based moisturizers will help seal in moisture, keeping skin hydrated. Products with vitamins C and E will help repair tissue damage. Consider switching to a lighter weight foundation because thicker formulas tend to accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. Ask your skincare technician about tretinoin to help with cell turnover.


Various hormones are declining and collagen is breaking down, resulting in more fragile skin and fine lines, deeper wrinkles and areas that appear to sag. Skin tone may appear uneven due to age/sunspots. Topical over-the-counter retinol creams can give your skin a smoother look by increasing cell turnover, softening fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing pigmented areas.


Your skin tone may be dulling due to drier skin that doesn’t regenerate as regularly. A good moisturizer combined with a nutritious diet and plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated. Regular exfoliation with over-the-counter treatments or by chemical peels and microdermabrasion can help gently remove dead skin cells and may pave the way for other more aggressive procedures if you choose.

Please contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss any questions you may have about your daily skincare routine. We have the best dermatologist in Reno who can help you choose what products and services would be best for your skin to age gracefully.

A Guide to Minimizing Signs of Aging